In this photograph I have intentionally moved the camera during exposure. Normally, one tries to keep the camera still and choose a fast enough shutter speed for the image not to become blurry and shaky. Here, I have done the exact opposite. In English, this photographic technique is called ICM (Intentional Camera Movement).
There are many different variations of ICM. In this case, I moved the camera around itself while trying to keep the lens stable at the center. The shutter speed is 1/15 second. ICM can make a good picture a little more interesting if executed well, but it cannot make a bad picture good. As always, the composition must be spot on and the light must complement the subject; there’s no getting around that.
For obvious reasons, I have called the image Orbit. It expresses a feeling that we are part of something larger. We are connected. One almost gets dizzy looking at it, but it still has a touch of classic landscape photography with tranquility and serenity.